Lydia Pettit on Henry Taylor's "I became . . ."
Overall there was chaos in his figure, strokes sometimes lining up with the form, and sometimes going against the logic of the body.
Painting is Undead: The Iconography of Anne Imhof, By Dil Hildebrand
...when performing actions they do so with zombie-like disaffection like flies stunned by a bug lamp, jerking sporadically into and out of states of repose.
What's in a Name: Raoul Middleman on John Singleton Copley
How else to paint but to concentrate mercilessly on the singularity of high end realistic focus and finish... rendered to an almighty faultless Metaphysical T.
Joan Semmel on Lisa Yuskavage
Young women’s yearning to regain their lost childhood without losing the sexual freedoms gained in the new independence is perfectly symbolized in Yuskavage’s images.