Johanna Robinson on Maria Lassnig
... she only painted the parts of her body that she could physically feel in the moment...

Julie Heffernan on Pierre Bonnard: Part II
Bonnard is no easy reach. The challenge he sets for all narrative painters is formidable: how to use both understatement and wild speculation to tell a bold story well...

Julie Heffernan on Pierre Bonnard: Part I
Bonnard’s was a revolution in subject matter, turning a dining room table into a phantasmagoric carnival and a woman at her toilette into a primal spectacle...

John Goodrich on Henri Matisse
While I admire Picasso’s drawing, prints and sculpture, Matisse still represents for me the fullest mixture, in the modern age, of discrimination and passion.

Barry Nemett: Beholding Bonnard on a Vaulted Altar
Over and over again, the sky changed: until it was brand new. Or I was.

Gary Stephan on Paul Cezanne
Picasso said of Cezanne: "He is the father of us all.” In this essay I want to take the "us" expansively.

Mark Greenwold on Jack Levine
Greenbergian Modernism... has put nails in the coffins of all sorts of serious and interesting representational artists for most of my lifetime.

Judith Bernstein on Edvard Munch
He created a vertigo inducing composition, extraordinary in its manifestation of Existentialism...

John Moore on Pierre Roy
In the seventies while living in Philadelphia I spent a lot of time at the Philadelphia Museum of Art where I first saw Pierre Roy's Metric System.
Murray Zimiles on Kazimir Malevich
In keeping with communist doctrine, he claims that his work glorifies the proletariat...

Laura Newman on a Diagonal Line in Matisse's 'View of Notre Dame'
In Matisse’s View of Notre Dame, a diagonal line reaches out of the pentimenti, which establish the artist’s side of a French window, and spans the Seine.
Roberto Juarez on Hilma af Klint
Her paintings spoke to me in a personal yet enigmatic way. I had yet to experience anything like them.
Richard Kalina on Stuart Davis
A little while ago I went to the Stuart Davis retrospective at the Whitney. I was expecting to like it, and I did. I’ve seen my fair share of Davis’ paintings over the years, and I have particularly fond memories of his solo 1991 Metropolitan Museum exhibition, Stuart Davis: American Painter.
Nancy Hagin on Giorgio Morandi
The first Morandi painting that I ever saw was at the Pittsburgh International Triennial Exhibition of 1958. I was a first year art student at Carnegie Mellon University, then called Carnegie Tech.
Kristen Schiele on Charles Burchfield
Charles Burchfield's landscape paintings are riveting. This painting, Sphinx and Milky Way, with its bat-like shapes, celestial falling stars, deep midnight blue and black center, flowers with faces, and symbolic points of light, pulls me in with a kind of intensity I've discovered in few others.

Audrey Flack on de Kooning's Women
I was a young artist in the early 1950’s feeling the weight of a male-dominated art world in places I frequented...

Tony Robbin on Bonnard's Bathers
It is often said that Pierre Bonnard’s paintings featuring bathers are intimate works, as the women are caught unawares, glimpsed in unguarded and private moments...